When Do I Buy?

This is a very important question. Timing, as they say, is everything. Any kid that has passed her engineering and tried to find a software job 2009 or 2010 will tell you that!

But seriously, the time to invest in the real estate market is now.

You see, the Recession has softened up all the players, and most of them have become weary of bearing it. And whist the big boys have the brand and the muscle to wait it out a bit more, the smaller ones find it much more difficult, and are looking for exits now.

This is why! The small developer makes is money on his ability to acquire land from farmers – think about it- land is not made. Someone has to acquire it from farmers, convert it into urban land and make layouts out of it and sell it. They make their money by buying land cheap from the farmer. And when the market starts to recover, everyone vies for the same land from farmers. In fact my real-estate friend says, the minute the farmers see bulldozers coming in from their windows their prices are hiked up by 100%. And, my friend, the bulldozers have started to come in!

So all the small developers are in a desperate hurry to acquire land from farmers, and need to convert their existing developments into cash, to re-invest it into new land acquisition... Hence they are open to deals!

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