What Else?

Once the three big questions are answered, there are only smaller ones that need to be thought through... 

Like how to fund it? 

I am sure you have a small fund salted away, perhaps from that onsite visit, or from that bonus, or through your sheer dint for savings. Pop that in, and the banks would be falling over themselves to lend to you to top this up, because you hold a safe job in a good company, and will have no problems in repaying the loans.

And you have to check whether the papers are in order. I would highly recommend you go for something within the BMRDA limits, will every planning permission already accepted and approved, and for sure, check with your lawyer whether everything is kosher.

Finally, India has a lot of property dealings in “black”. As a professional, you do not have black money and should not get your tax position in a tangle by dabbling in it. 

Keep it clean and white, i always say!

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